Tuesday, 13 March 2007

"Abstract Pattern2"


Lewis said...

Really unusual patterns were created everytime the ink hit the water. Compostion was not a real consideration it was more a matter of luck capturing these, but then I pressed the shutter deliberatly to capture the dark pattern in the middle. Alot of the time with these it was matter of just pressing the shutter while you had chance.

Anonymous said...

hey lewis i really like what uv done here with the vase and the water it looks really attrative with the patterns and the pink. its amazing how something so simple can look so pretty.

Lewis said...

Yeah visually I'm resonnably pleased with the results. I didn't expect the ink to create such interesting and strange patterns. It be looking like a lava lamp. Yeah my aim is to create pretty pictures, nothing more. Theres no big complicated meaning behind my work, and why does there need to be.

Anonymous said...

hey lewis

I really like these pink and purple ink, vase and water pictures tehy are really pretty. Must have taken a while to do and really complicated to set up and u were lucky capturing these photos like these. I really love them u have done sum pictures with my two favourite colours in. Becky

Lewis said...

Hey i knew you would like pink. Thats one of my aims creating pretty pictures. yeah it was a little annoying setting it up because I kept getting the shaddow from the vase because of usng the studio light. I had to set the light to just get the wall behind and not the vase. The element of luck was there, though the ink did move relativly slowly giving me a very good chance of capturing a descent shot.

Anonymous said...

Formally, you got my vote.