Sunday, 11 March 2007


Lewis said...

There are different settings on my camera which give different colour tones. The two photos below this one are captured on the cameras standard setting, however for this one I've altered the setting to give this golden/baige tone. This makes the image more abstract, again because its taking on a more non-representational form.

Lewis said...

More contrast has been given to the image to emphasize the different tones throughout the image. What makes the image work is that definite curve of light, follow by the darker tone on the right. This curve was part of the shape of the ice. I used a plastic container and the shape came from that because obviously the ice moulded to that. I like the texture of these ice images. To get more detail and lines running through I'm going to freeze some more water, but when as its part froze I’ll break it up in the container and freeze that again to get the detail of the cracks in the ice.